The ultralight has been improving quickly, mostly due to changes made after finding room for improvement during the test program. The last attempt at low and high speed taxi tests provided us with a few more weak areas that need addressed before we can attempt “wheels up” and fly E011TL.
The cables on the wings will be replaced with rigid strut tubes. This will add rigidity and remove variability in the wing support cables currently installed.
We also will be removing the chain drive for the propeller and replacing it with a directly gear driven solution. This change had been planned from the start, and is necessary due to weaknesses and short lifespan of chains when compared to gear driven solutions. We are accelerating this change, however, as the prop shaft assembly was already failing as configured with chains. We have discovered that the bearing holders “pillow blocks” installed were not up to the task and had failed. This allowed the bearings to move and spin in the blocks as well as causing vibrations and movement not desired in the propeller its self. This bering mounting method will not be needed or used once the change to direct gear driven propeller has been completed.
The build is starting to slow down now as summer quickly passes us by. Progress may not be as quick now due to weather, scheduling conflicts, and funds availability. We will be making every effort to fly in 2022 but it may be next spring/summer now due to the continued test program and the changes we make as we fix the issues brought to light with each test. The results of the tasting and changes thus far have provided added strength, controllability, and most of all safety to the ultralight. Ultimately, we will not take the ultralight in the air until it has proven it is capable and ready.